"It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting"
Paulo Coelho

Welbourne Stud was created from a deeply held desire to improve the Thoroughbred. With a lifetime devoted to studying the breed and the sport, being cognizant of national and international patterns, and mindful that breeders and owners are charged with being responsible stewards for their horses, Welbourne has evolved itself over the years. A boutique operation, Welbourne bases all of its breeding decisions on a singular notion: international excellence. Given that the vast majority of international racing is conducted on turf and considerate of data that reflect that racing on turf and synthetic surfaces is significantly safer than dirt tracks, Welbourne has modified its program to focus on that global marketplace. After all, dirt isn't the Thoroughbred's natural surface -- turf is.
As part of its program, Welbourne also fundamentally believes in supporting Thoroughbred aftercare organizations. If any of the horses that it bred and sold need a soft place to land, Welbourne will work to make that happen. For those horses that don't have a future in the breeding shed and their time at the track nears its end, it remains Welbourne's philosophy to retire its horses while they are sound so that they can have productive second careers.
Contact us to learn more about racing partnerships or horses for sale.